This Week They Said

I said in 1992 he's a bright young guy in business, I might put him somewhere and train him to be a middle manager

I said in 1992 he's a bright young guy in business, I might put him somewhere and train him to be a middle manager. Right now I wouldn't have him third shift in a hamburger stand responsible for cleaning out the sink after everybody had gone home.

- Ross Perot, who ran for president in 1992, on President Clinton

I am impressed by the salacious and voyeuristic nature of your work.

- Open letter to Kenneth Starr from Larry Flint, published by Hustler and several other American porn magazines


I felt that Galway's culture, well, a good part of it, is a positive culture, a self-belief culture. I tried to tap into that as best I could.

- Galway manager John O'Mahony, after his team's victory in the All-Ireland football final

Everyone was delighted to see me in a car with motorcycle outriders. They all waved. Here they would have given me the fingers.

- Britain's Sports Minister, Tony Banks, on his chauffeur- driven journey to the All-Ireland final

To put it bluntly, if, in the short, medium or long term - in any event, within two years - Sinn Fein cannot deliver on the decommissioning commitment, then it was admitted to the talks under false pretences.

- The Labour Party leader, Ruairi Quinn

Gary McMichael of the Ulster Defence . . . sorry, Ulster Democratic Party.

- The Northern Secretary, Mo Mowlam, paying tribute to McMichael at the British Labour Party conference

We still believe the Portadown brethren have got to get down that road.

- The Orange Order Grand Master, Robert Saulters

It was there that terror finally lost its power to divide. Instead, it unified.

- Tony Blair on Omagh in his address to the British Labour Party conference

Jesus, the lolly flows into your pocket and you don't have to do anything.

- Skibbereen farmer, quoted in Der Spiegel, on EU subsidies after a visit from a State farm adviser

Life as we know it is over.

- Middle-aged member of Marylebone Cricket Club, after the club overturned 211 years of history by voting to admit women

With a 17- or 18-year waiting list, I'll probably be dead and buried before I can join my husband, who is a member, in the Long Room.

- Rachel Heyhoe-Flint, the former England women's cricket team captain, on the change

I was boxed very hard on the left temple and the right part of my head. I was hit very hard on the left part of my neck. I was then slapped very hard, left and right, until blood seeped down my nose and my lips.

- The former deputy prime minister of Malaysia, Anwar Ibrahim, appearing in court after being beaten by police

If death were suddenly staring me in the face I would think I'd done pretty well, had a good life. I'd want more of it. But were it to end tomorrow I'd still think, well, fair enough.

- The novelist Martin Amis

The chemistry between them wasn't as good as it should have been.

- A UN source on the resignation of Mary Robinson's deputy, Enrique ter Horst

You have to feel sorry for men. They never grow out of this obsession with the breast and spend their lives trying to return to a lost paradise.

- Dr Marilyn Yalom, author of a new book, A History of the Breast