This Week They Said

Forget Cool Britannia - the action is in Cool Hibernia

Forget Cool Britannia - the action is in Cool Hibernia

- The Financial Times

I don't understand Cool Britannia. I believe in Rule Britannia

- Baroness Thatcher


My views are more representative of Northern Catholics than Gerry Adams's ever would be. That's why the IRA had to start killing people in the first place

- Catholic UUP candidate Ms Patricia Campbell

As a Catholic it is difficult to say I am an Ulster Unionist as long as the Orange link remains

- John Gorman of the UUP on the need to sever formal links with the Orange Order

I can understand the difficulties the Prime Minister had in finding a job for her. She's more than disorganised

- UUP leader David Trimble on Northern Secretary Dr Mo Mowlam

If we are to learn anything from this, it is that we must listen to our children

- Judge Joseph Mathews, on former Franciscan John Hannon, sentenced to 10 years for abusing his pupils

Zero tolerance was to mean whatever John O'Donoghue said it meant, depending on whether there was a full moon and how Jackie Healy-Rae was feeling.

- The Fine Gael spokesman, Mr Jim Higgins

Mr Clinton, America didn't trust you with our health care system. America didn't trust you with gays in the military. America doesn't trust you with our 21-year-old daughters, and we sure, Lord, don't trust you with our guns

- Newly-elected president of the US National Rifle Association Charlton Heston

The car also has to be like a girl, making you fall in love at first sight. As for emotions, the engine must sing to you

- Luca di Montezemolo, chair- man of Ferrari

We have to face up to the fact that we are a dirty people

- Jack Higgins, Cork city manager, on Ireland's litter problem

It seems to me to crown my life

- Actress Anna Manahan, about her Tony Award

One of the reasons Ronnie Reagan was so popular was that he talked the language of trivia. Ronnie is not too bright: let's face it, he's never going to be confused with Einstein

- Chicago TV interviewer Studs Terkel

Women in American sit coms are all still Mary Tyler Moore . . . They've never changed, never evolved. They still take 15 lines and 30 facial muscles to get to a door

- TV critic AA Gill

We will take males and females. . . We take anything; any species and combination so long as it can swim

- Fred Bomhoff, New York lifeguard instructor, on summer job possibilities for Irish students

It doesn't say much for their abilities if women have to take a pill to get excited about them

- Former Tory MP Edwina Currie responds to news of a new pill designed to stimulate female orgasm

Couples could become more lazy, meaning this pill causes some of the artistry of the bedroom to be lost

- Zoologist and author Desmond Morris on the same pill

We've got to be very strong about what's happened here and move on

- England's rugby coach Clive Woodward after his team's re- cord 76-0 defeat by Australia

In Brazil it is victory or exile . . . there is nothing in between

- Ronaldo explains Brazil's drive to win a fifth World Cup

I do not have personal ambition

- Switzerland's Sepp Blatter after being elected FIFA president

The game is over. I wish Mr Blatter luck. You can go for lunch now

- Lennart Johansson after conceding defeat to Blatter