After the carols and the greetings and the glad assembling of friends, there comes some sadness. There were gatherings for Christmas. We have now scatterings. The festive season ends. Many lights are dimmed and voices fade upon the winter air. A milestone on life's journey has been passed. The bells of midnight sound: "Ring out the old! Ring in the new!"
Whither pilgrim? Cardinal Newman gives us thought for prayer. . . . There is something awful in the silent, restless sweep of time. As years go on, and friends are taken away, one draws the thought of all those who still remain as, in cold weather, one buttons up great coat and cape for protection . . . To the end of the longest life we are still beginners . . ."
This gives hope, as we face another one of our few remaining years. Many young and old will enter now their final stage. For those with eyes to see, the star still shines as the song from the fields of Bethlehem echoes in the deep places of the heart. As to Mary, as to Joseph, and as to the shepherds, the message of hope still comes to us - Do not be afraid!" When we hear God calling we will come with haste. Christ, the Son of Mary, speaks to us in conscience (reverenced, listened to, and lovingly informed).
He speaks to us amid the healing silences of Scripture, of prayer, and of sacraments. And with vision now restored we see the good example all around us, urging us to fidelity so often longed for. Like Mary, we ponder the saving word in the deepest places of the heart. St Luke makes clear her light filled example to us all, as first and most faithful of, those whom her Blessed Son redeemed. In song and in story, she is called "a guiding star".
As we share in the journey and the quest of the Magi we can offer gold of unselfish love, incense of listening prayer and costly myrrh, which is the surrendering of selfishness so that we can listen to the voice of God and to the cry of His people. The joy and hope of Christmas support us all year long and comfort us in loneliness, in darkness and in pain. We, as exiles, have no tasting city here. The tight of Christ's coming guides us safely and saves us from siren voices that would lead to paths of deadly folly, of darkness and of despair.
At New Year, God will be everywhere and in everything. All beauty speaks of Him. Dawn and sunset, mountain and valley, swift flowing river and deep blue sea - all will call His name. Those whose lives we touch are, like us, pilgrims of the absolute, voyagers to eternity.
Each evening we close our day with the healing prayer of Cardinal Newman, who knew loneliness as friends departed and much loved voices were heard no more.
May He support us all the day long
Till the shades lengthen and the evening comes,
And the busy world is hushed -
and the fever of life is over,
And our work is done.
Then in His mercy may He give to us
A safe lodging, and a holy rest,
And peace at the last.
His kindly light still leads!