Panic measures to ensure survival of the nation's finest

NEWTON'S OPTIC: Newton Emerson writes a guide on what to do in a state of emergency

NEWTON'S OPTIC: Newton Emersonwrites a guide on what to do in a state of emergency

National Movement Emergencies

The National Movement Emergencies booklet has now been distributed to every Fianna Fáil home in the country. Newton Emerson reviews its life-saving advice.

Flood Tribunal


While rarely fatal, the rising waters of a Flood tribunal can still cause significant property damage.

What to do

- Look for high ground
- Hold your breath
- Cling to anything that floats

Radioactive Taoiseach

Towards the end of its useful life a Taoiseach can leak and contaminate people near by.

What to do

- Check which way the wind is blowing
- Stand as far back from the Taoiseach as possible
- Do not swallow anything

Climate Change

Every now and then the climate can change.

What to do

- Change right along with it

Environmental Disaster

In an environmental disaster, something which was once Green and pleasant can suddenly turn toxic.

What to do

- Phone the Chinese ambassador
- Apologise profusely
- Incinerate the affected area

Political Earthquake

Tectonic shifts in Europe may open up hidden fault-lines across Ireland.

What to do

- Run into the countryside
- Hold on to a farmer very tightly
- Cry "Yes! Yes! Yes!" until the earth moves

Economic Collapse

This can happen by itself or be caused by other disasters, except a "No" vote on EU reform, which will only cause economic collapse in Africa.

What to do

- Award yourself a 10 per cent pay increase
- Pay everyone else to produce stupid booklets

Dublin 4 Eruption

Any serious attempt to address crime, welfare dependency or the size of the public sector will cause Dublin 4 to blow its top. Thousands could be injured by flying lava-lamps.

What to do

- Do not address crime
- Do not address welfare dependency
- Do not address the size of the public sector

Chicken Plague

(See Dublin 4 Eruption)

Endemic Pandemic

By far the most indiscriminate of all the rhyming catastrophes, with the possible exception of a carte blanche avalanche. An endemic pandemic is usually caused by an influenza epidemic.

What to do

- Contact a medic
- Take your prescription to a pharmacist
- Take the pharmacist to court if he does not cut his margins by half

Supercollider Accident

Man-made black hole in Switzerland sucks in the entire planet.

What to do

- Console yourself that England goes first.

Terrorism (foreign)

Your assistance is required to protect the public against extremists.

What to do

- Remain vigilant
- Report all men with beards
- Take measures if you notice anything suspicious

Terrorism (domestic)

Extremists may require your assistance to protect the public.

What to do

- Remain calm
- Ignore all men with beards
- Take no notice of any suspicious measures

Zombie Attack

Although technically dead, Fine Gael can still surround the slow-moving and attempt to eat their brains.

What to do

- Make it clear that you have no brains

Social Breakdown

Signs of impending anarchy include newspaper photographs of the Defence Minister brandishing a gun.

What to do

- Lock the armoury
- Give the Minister some other nonsense to do instead
- He can't possibly embarrass you now, can he?