In the Alternative Prayer Book, tomorrow, the ninth Sunday before Christmas, begins the series of themes for the Sundays of the church year ahead.
The story of the Creation in Genesis, Chapter 1, opens with words helpful to believers as they begin a new Christian church year: "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth."
The religious account of the creation is in this chapter. The scientific account of the creation has been written by the finger of God upon the crust of the earth, and is being spelt out through research ever since. Brave men and women in succeeding generations have unselfishly given their lives and even died in pursuing research, in seeking and finding wonders in God's creation. They deserve our thanks for the continuing discoveries that strengthen faith in the Creator, in Someone who "paints the wayside flower or lights the evening star". Such factual evidence of God's presence inspires our thanksgiving to Him for our "creation, preservation, and all the blessings of this life".
It is obvious that our tiny, finite minds are not big enough to grasp or understand the infinite and almighty mind of God. People question the fact that diseases and disasters are allowed to occur by the One who claims to be the God of Love. Christianity does not claim to explain the existence of evil or suffering, but Christ's suffering and cruel death does teach us the way of approaching it. He "went around doing good and healing". He continues to do so in hospital ward and sick rooms with doctors, nurses, and all involved in the ministry of the healing gift from God.
In our prayers for the sick the awareness of "Our Father's loved Creation" will enhance faith, hope and love. Awareness of Christ the healer beside us as we pray with the sick will fill the atmosphere. Awareness of the immeasurable power and love expressed through "Our Father's loved Creation" makes all the difference. It is true that the effectual prayer of a genuine believer availeth much.
The writer of the words, "He paints the wayside flower, He lights the evening star", had got a message from "Our Father's loved Creation". A primrose may be no more than a little yellow speck in the grass or a message from the Creator teaching us to value its delicate style, to value simplicity at the heart of the universe. The little toenail on an infant may be of passing interest, or it may lead us on the way to believing that God alone is the Maker of all things near and far.
It makes all the difference when we believe in "Our Father's loved Creation":
All things bright and beautiful,
All creatures great and small,
All things wise and wonderful,
The Lord God made them all.
- including a tiny Crumb of Life in the Communion.