Young Europeans

Sir, - At this time of international conflict, it is surely encouraging to see the efforts of our youth in promoting international…

Sir, - At this time of international conflict, it is surely encouraging to see the efforts of our youth in promoting international understanding. On Friday, the national session of the Model European Parliament will begin, appropriately, with a session of team-building. Over the following two days, the students involved will work in small committees, writing resolutions on issues of EU and global importance. Their efforts will culminate in a General Assembly session in the European Parliament Offices.

Next October, these same Irish delegates will be playing host to the international session when it comes to Dublin. At the international Model European Parliament, young delegates from all the EU countries, as well as from many of the applicant countries, gather in one of Europe's cities to promote tolerance and understanding, peace and diplomacy, as the EU has aimed to do since its inception.

The efforts of these students are most laudable, and should not go unremarked. Perhaps some of our own politicians could learn something from their ideals and idealism! - Yours, etc.,

Noirin Plunkett, President, General Assembly, Model European Parliament, Mount Merrion, Co Dublin.