Sir, The university community is "positively purring" about the Universities Bill, according to Drapier (February 15th)

Sir, The university community is "positively purring" about the Universities Bill, according to Drapier (February 15th). On the contrary, the Bill still threatens university autonomy. The three year opt out for TCD should be made permanent and extended to the NUI colleges. The Bill's second level version, the Education Bill, was opposed by leaders of the four main churches when they visited the Taoiseach this month.

The Drapier letters were the work of Jonathan Swift, a distinguished graduate of this college. He wrote anonymously against the government of the day because it infringed the rights of the Irish people. The Irish Times Drapier writes anonymously in support of the Government when it undermines our autonomy and freedom.

I wish to debate this irony, and of course, the substantive issues, with your correspondent. I repeat my earlier offer to Drapier - drop the anonymity and debate the Bill. - Yours, etc.,



Dublin 2.