Tourism In Turkey

Sir, - Our attention has been drawn to a report on tourism in Turkey, written by Suzanne Gusten, which appeared in your edition…

Sir, - Our attention has been drawn to a report on tourism in Turkey, written by Suzanne Gusten, which appeared in your edition of May 25th.

We are privileged to work in an area of Turkey which plays host to over 20,000 Irish tourists each year. Though we receive greater numbers from other countries, our warmest welcome and hospitality is reserved for our Irish visitors because their general good humour and friendly disposition so closely resembles our own approach to life. We are concerned, therefore, that some of the contents of Ms Gusten's article might discourage some of our intending Irish guests. Accordingly, we would like to put the following on record;

1. The number of tourists in Kusadasi at present is generally on a par with previous seasons; the beaches and shopping areas are busy and thriving by day and the bars, restaurants and other night time attractions are enjoying fantastic business.

2. Reports linking the trial of Abdullah Ocelan and related matters to tourism are very misleading. We accept that there are some difficulties in Turkey, as is the case in most European countries, including Ireland. However, these difficulties have absolutely no impact on our visitors or the enjoyment of their holidays.


We appreciate that you may regard our comments as biased, which we fully understand. Accordingly, if you wish to get an unbiased view of the tourist situation in Turkey, we respectfully suggest that you send one of your reporters to Dublin airport on Saturday or Sunday to get the opinions of some of the holidaymakers returning from Turkey. - Yours, etc. Yilmaz Mola, President, Sinan Inan Secretary, Association of Turkish Travel Agencies,

