Sir, - Without granting it the courtesy of a decent honeymoon period, many (including some of our TDs) have criticised and castigated…

Sir, - Without granting it the courtesy of a decent honeymoon period, many (including some of our TDs) have criticised and castigated Teilifis na Gaeilge. Much of the criticism has concentrated on poor availability of the station and low viewership (both factors presumably related), usually without reference to the standard of programming - surely the cornerstone of any television station.

As a viewer who receives TnaG perfectly, virtually any programme I have seen on it to date has been superb - from the wonderful comedy C. U. Burn (on a part with Fr Ted to Suit, one of the best traditional music programmes ever on television, to Muintir na nOilean, a magnificent series of programmes portraying life on the islands of Ireland and Scotland. And who could forget Kevin McAleer's performance on Sibin?

In an age when the airwaves revert more and more to bland, acultural programming, TnaG is refreshing, Irish and modern. - Molaim thu,

Eglinton Court,



Dublin 4.