Sir, - In your Editorial (July 13th), you describe as "untenable" the IRA's offer to put their weapons "verifiably beyond use" when the Belfast Agreement is fully implemented.
I find this amazing - surely the fulfilment of the agreement is a non-negotiable minimum, whatever the IRA do? Is it or is it not the case that political representatives of the majority of people in Northern Ireland committed themselves to the agreement, and that the majority of Northern Ireland voters, and the vast majority of the Republic's voters, then voted for it?
It may very well be that the IRA is lying when it gives the above commitment. Very well then - if so, call its bluff and implement the thing in full. Certain unionist politicians used to be fond of banging on about "majority" rights - it's about time they accepted the stated will of the majorities in the Republic and the North, and what I believe to be the will of the vast majority in England, Scotland and Wales. It's also about time that the small anti-agreement minority in both islands were told to shut up and live with democracy. - Yours, etc.,
Colm Kennan, Carlingford Road, London.