Time for an iconic ban

Sir, – “The time has surely come for all self respecting newspapers, like this one, to consider a ban on the word ‘iconic’.” (…

Sir, – “The time has surely come for all self respecting newspapers, like this one, to consider a ban on the word ‘iconic’.” (Frank McNally, An Irishman’s Diary, August 26th).

Spotted in your Weekend edition, August 27th 28th: “His older brother, Eamon . . . was an iconic figure in broadcasting”; “New York may be an iconic metropolis . . .”; “Style icon Daphne Guinness”; “at the iconic Chelsea Hotel”; “on the iconic anti-Western film Paris, Texas” and “with the iconic and breathtaking Cliffs of Moher”.

Good luck with the ban! – Yours, etc,


Charleston Road,

Ranelagh, Dublin 6.