The state of Irish forestry

Madam, - Fintan O'Toole's suggestion (Opinion, September 2nd) that the State has forgone EU funding available under the rural…

Madam, - Fintan O'Toole's suggestion (Opinion, September 2nd) that the State has forgone EU funding available under the rural development regime is erroneous.

The overall amount of EU support for rural development for the period 2007 to 2013 was fixed at €2.339 billion. The full amount of EU funding is committed to various schemes in Ireland's Rural Development Programme, which has total funding of €5.778 billion. All available EU funds will be fully drawn down by the end of the period in 2013.

Secondly, contrary to what he suggests, the change from EU to national funding has not altered in any way the requirement to adhere to all relevant national and EU legislation and environmental standards.

Thirdly, Sitka spruce is not a low-grade timber, but a highly valuable and versatile raw material that is in great demand throughout the world. I would also like to point out that the environmental and economic value of planting broadleaves is fully recognised by the Department and is reflected in the substantially higher rates of grants and premium offered to those who choose to plant these species.


Finally, I would like to highlight the significant contribution forestry makes to the Irish economy and society - for example, through employment, the supply of timber, the mitigation of climate change by removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere through forest growth, the supply of wood energy, the provision of recreation facilities and the conservation of native biodiversity.

The Department engages in substantial consultation with a wide range of interested parties and appreciates their informed and constructive input into forestry policy down through the years. - Yours, etc,


Press Officer,

Department of Agriculture,

Fisheries and Food,

Dublin 2.