The North: time to move on

Madam, - When are the leaders of Dáil Éireann and Westminster going to accept that Northern unionists are unable to live with…

Madam, - When are the leaders of Dáil Éireann and Westminster going to accept that Northern unionists are unable to live with power-sharing? The Good Friday Agreement was on its deathbed for the past couple of years. It finally passed away when the DUP was victorious at the last election, and no effort will bring it back to life. The time has come to move on. Let the dead rest in peace.

It is now quite clear that there is only one lasting solution, and that is an all-Ireland parliament in which unionists will have a say but not a veto. It would put an end to Sinn Féin's dream of a Cuban-style socialist regime for this country, and to the unionists' dream that Stormont might one day return in all its glory.

This idea should not be confused with the concept of a United Ireland. The Border could stay where it is, but let the politicians unite in their common interests. Both sides would gain a lot and learn a lot.

What about a Fine Gael-DUP coalition? Would it be such a monster? - Yours, etc.,


K. McGLOIN, Caltagh, Sligo.