The National Maternity Hospital

A chara , – While welcoming the views of Tánaiste Leo Varadkar on the Government’s position on the site for the new National Maternity Hospital, I wonder why his position on the matter has been so long in the offing. Mr Varadkar was minister for health from 2014 to 2016 when this project was in development. – Yours, etc,


Ennis ,

Co Clare.


Sir, – Normally I would be outraged at the National Maternity Hospital debacle. But, knowing that the secretary general of the Department of Health is paid so handsomely, I can only assume that part of his skill set is the ability to sort this out efficiently and without delay. My own experience in business tells me that anyone paid what Robert Watt is paid should be able to knock heads together and get a result here in the shortest possible timescale. If he can’t, why do we pay him so much? – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.

Sir, – Amid all the controversy about the ownership, and ultimate governance, of the new maternity hospital, it’s sad that no one is saying thanks to the Sisters of Charity, and indeed other religious, who worked for free to see to the medical and educational needs of most of us in the past, and still do, while our governments stood by.

Now politicians are calling for the nuns to “gift” their property to us once again. How short our memories are, and how ungrateful we must seem to them. Let me, at least, say thanks a million. I am forever grateful to the Sisters of Mercy in Belmullet who freely gave up their lives to educate me. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 3.

Sir, – A farce repeated is a tragedy. After eight farcical years we appear to have returned to the starting point of this particular tragedy. I have no doubt that any directors appointed to the proposed board by St Vincent’s Healthcare (or its nominee charity) will be duty bound to oppose the provision of services which do not accord with Catholic ethics. Only one of the public interest directors would need to take their side to precipitate a crisis in women’s healthcare. The only acceptable solution is for the State to own the whole premises and grounds. It is not enough for the Minister to talk tough. He needs to make some hard and possibly unpalatable decisions. – Yours, etc,



Co Kerry.

Sir, – Please extend my congratulations to Fintan O'Toole for "A real republic should not have charity delivering public welfare", Opinion & Analysis, June 22nd). Powerful. All the points that needed to be made. Let's hope the other media platforms follow suit. – Yours, etc,

