The lost art of letter writing

Sir, – I was delighted to read the letter by Fiona Daly about the lost art of letter writing (Letters, February 3rd).

I well remember in my primary school, Scoil Treasa in the Tenters in Dublin, being taught by the Christian Brothers how to write a letter and how to address the envelope and even where to put the stamp. Part of writing the address on the envelope was to ensure you had the correct spacing and that you inserted a comma at the end of each line. Titles were also important; Mr or Mrs or Miss or Master – or, indeed, Father, Brother or Sister.

Then, for extra security, we were advised to invoke the speedy assistance of my patron saint, St Anthony, by writing SAG (St Anthony guide)on the back of the envelope.

A lost art indeed.


By the way, who is the patron saint for emails? – Yours, etc,



Dublin 14.