The healthy state to the North

Madam, - Tucked away on page 12 of the April 12th edition of The Irish Times was a short report from Dan Keenan, Northern News…

Madam, - Tucked away on page 12 of the April 12th edition of The Irish Timeswas a short report from Dan Keenan, Northern News Editor, which I had to re-read to be sure of what he wrote:

"Waiting lists for health services in Northern Ireland have been dramatically cut, while trolley waits have been all but abolished. . . without any major new money. . . shows the real benefits of teams in trusts working with focus, sharing improved practice and co-operative working".

In the midst of the HSE's cut-backs, contract squabbles, turf wars and union threats, has anyone in that egregious organisation got the time to go North and find out how on earth they really did it, and what's stopping the HSE doing the same down here? - Yours, etc,

MICHAEL BOYLE, Butterfield Drive, Rathfarnham, Dublin 14.