TCD Gate Lodge

Sir, - TCD is seeking approval to dismantle a gate lodge at Lincoln Place and store it in its Santry repository, pending relocation…

Sir, - TCD is seeking approval to dismantle a gate lodge at Lincoln Place and store it in its Santry repository, pending relocation. This is part of its building development programme at this corner of the campus. While it is great to see efforts being made by the college to keep the building functional, it does seem strange that it be moved at all. The gate lodge has served perfectly well for many years and housing must still be needed for the guards. It covers a very small area and actually makes the entrance attractive. I can only conclude that this little building now finds itself blocking the passer-by's view of the inscribed words: "Smurfit Institute of Genetics". Was this an architectural oversight? - Yours, etc., John Keane,


Co Dublin.