Support for breastfeeding

Madam, - Kate Holmquist rightly points out that Ireland's low rates of breastfeeding compare unfavourably with those of our European…

Madam, - Kate Holmquist rightly points out that Ireland's low rates of breastfeeding compare unfavourably with those of our European neighbours, in particular Norway (Life Features, October 14th). Voluntary mother-to-mother support is a desirable if not essential element in helping mothers who have chosen to breastfeed their babies.

La Leche League leaders are trained, accredited volunteers who have breastfed their own babies and who are willing to provide information and support to mothers who choose to breastfeed.

This takes the form of telephone help, monthly meetings and home or hospital visits on request. Women are encouraged to attend mother-to-mother support groups while pregnant. All mothers are encouraged to consult health professionals and/or experienced breastfeeding counsellors after their baby's arrival.

For a full-term baby, nursing well at the breast, it is best to avoid the introduction of bottles. According to Marsha Walker RN, IBCLC, "there is a consistent association between non-medical supplementation and early weaning from the breast". The Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative Step 9 recommends: "Give no pacifiers or artificial nipples to breastfeeding infants [ in hospital]". Using a breast pump to correct inverted nipples, as suggested in the article, is only one way of addressing this difficulty and would not usually be the first option. These are specific issues which are dealt with on an individual basis with the mother concerned.


The term "breastfeeding mafia" does voluntary groups and mothers seeking support a grave disservice. - Yours, etc,

JAN CROMIE, PRO La Leche League of Ireland, Ballybofey, Co Donegal.