Spirit of hospitality needs renewal

Sir, – As the last decade was coming to a close, our young and indeed not-so-young people were leaving these shores in their droves to find a new life in other parts of the world because this State could no longer sustain them.

That wave of emigration, albeit tinged with sadness, was perfectly acceptable in Irish society, and was seen as the norm for Irish people for generations.

Now as this decade ends, we are showing little vigour for reciprocation, revealing a deplorable attitude to those seeking a new life among us in their efforts to escape circumstances far worse than anything our recent generations have experienced. This behaviour, at a time when Ibec figures indicate strong growth in “Christmas spending” on the back of rising disposable incomes and record numbers at work, should not be acceptable in our society.

President Michael D Higgins has it entirely right when he calls for a “spirit of hospitality” in his Christmas message (News, December 23rd).


As a new decade begins, it is incumbent on all strata of leadership in Irish society, especially at the political level, to ensure the implementation of our President’s views. – Yours, etc,

