Sir, Fr Tom Ingoldsby once again (April 24th) requests prayers that Ireland may be spared the evil of divorce because he says the catechism tells us divorce is wrong, that it adversely affects women and children and becomes a plague on society.
He says this despite the fact that most divorces are sought by women and it is also known that many children fare better in a stable one parent situation than they do with two parents in conflict. Fr Ingoldsby ignores this as he does many other situations affecting women and children.
Not all people accept that what the catechism says is true so those who have time to spare for prayers might direct them instead towards help for the traumatised adults who are graduates of orphanages run by religious orders those who have been victims of clerical sex abuse and those who are utterly scandalised by the lengths to which the Catholic Church is prepared to go in order to have its laws enshrined in civil law without any concern for those who are members of other religious groups. Yours, etc., Sandyford Road, Dublin 16.