School attendance

A chara, – There have been many strategies put in place by schools to address the problem of poor attendance rates. The recent introduction of a computerised primary school database provides schools with instant access to all attendance records and has a facility to record habitual latecomers. Schools are obliged to return these statistics to the Educational Welfare Board (EWB) on an annual basis and to notify it when a child is absent for 20 days.

What baffles schools is what happens to these statistics?

In my long career in education, I have yet to receive a call or a query about habitual absences from any authority that has resulted in any action been taken. Dr Fleming's observation (June 1st) that the EWB is under-staffed and under-resourced may be true. I think rather it may have gone underground! – Is mise,




Sacred Heart of Jesus

National School,

Huntstown, Dublin 15.