Sir, - The dropping of the 7.55 am five day weather forecast by RTE is a deplorable and insensitive action

Sir, - The dropping of the 7.55 am five day weather forecast by RTE is a deplorable and insensitive action. It was essential listening, at least for all farmers fishermen, and many others, as it enabled them to plan ahead.

The reason apparently given by RTE, that a short range 24 hour report delivered by a broadcaster is more professional, borders on the ludicrous. If there were to be an outbreak of bubonic plague in Ireland, would not RTE interview a medical expert? When the Irish football team fails to score, does not RTE wave before us a whole "panel of experts?"

Why, oh why, then, does RTE think that a service as crucial as the weather forecast should not also be interpreted by an expert? RTE is a public broadcasting service, the Met Office provides also a public service; why can the two not continue to co operate? Professional speakers though they may be, I suspect that most RTE broadcasters would not know an isobar from a chocolate bar.

Yours, etc.,


Moone Abbey,


Co Kildare.