Sir, - It is time that Catholic, Christian Ireland stood up and said thanks to the thousands of nuns who have selflessly dedicated…

Sir, - It is time that Catholic, Christian Ireland stood up and said thanks to the thousands of nuns who have selflessly dedicated their lives and resources to the setting, up of schools, orphanages, hospitals and houses for the poor, the homeless and the destitute over the years.

What about the millions of girls and boys who have been educated and fed by the tens of thousands of dedicated holy nuns. Hardworking Sisters have helped to transform Ireland into one of the best educated countries in the world.

The Sisters down the years have provided for secondary education for many girls who could otherwise not afford it. What about the many, many children abandoned by their parents who have been looked after with love and care by the Sisters in this country and throughout the world?

Families in every town in Ireland have been touched by the generosity, kindness and social awareness of Sisters. Many of their noble deeds are done quietly, efficiently and without fuss.


Good news and good deeds seldom make headlines. Thank you Sisters for your dedication, commitment, sacrifices and inspiration for good, not only in this country but throughout the world. You have much to be proud of.

It is time that the media in general, and RTE in particular, ended its weekly witch hunt of the Catholic Church in general and priests and nuns in particular.

Perhaps the papers and RTE would redress the imbalance and devote some space or time to the enormous contribution of Sisters to the educational, health and social services of this country.

Sisters, always remember that the majority of fair minded people appreciate the incalculable good you have done and still do.

Yours, etc.,


Co Meath