Rape, Incest And Abortion

Sir, - Fiona Neary of Rape Crisis Network (June 5th) mentioned details of an opinion poll survey commissioned by the group Abortion…

Sir, - Fiona Neary of Rape Crisis Network (June 5th) mentioned details of an opinion poll survey commissioned by the group Abortion Reform and released by the Irish Family Planning Association. There was no implied definition of abortion in any of the questions asked and the survey made no attempt to distinguish between necessary medical interventions in pregnancy and the direct targeting of the unborn child's life.

In addition, none of the usual back-up data relating to the survey was released to allow for a more accurate assessment of its credibility.

It is therefore unfortunate that Ms Neary chose to use this survey as a basis for calling on the Government to legislate for abortion in situations where pregnancy occurs following sexual assault.

Abortion is sometimes put forward, even taken for granted, as the "solution" to the most difficult situations. Yet our willingness to offer social support is the single most important factor influencing a better psychological outcome for women in crisis pregnancy. Abortion leaves an unborn child dead and very often has a lasting effect on the woman. When people speak about abortion in certain circumstances, one assumes they would not impose any time limits and would therefore logically allow for abortion up to birth. This is the reality in both Britain and the US, where abortion is available on demand.


Rather than arbitrarily denying the humanity of the unborn, the challenge for society is to work together to create a more welcoming society for women in crisis pregnancy and their unborn children - Yours, etc.,

Rachael Keane, Shanboley Road, Beaumont, Dublin 9.