Madam, – Imperialists often try to argue that the provision of infrastructure in conquered countries somehow compensates for the pain and misery inflicted on the native people. JDW English (June 14th) appears to subscribe to that view.
I suppose it’s a matter of opinion whether anything can justify genocide and sectarian oppression, but in any case the claims your correspondent makes about Britain’s role in the development of Ireland are far from accurate.
While Ireland’s first university was indeed founded by Queen Elizabeth I, it was certainly not established for the benefit of the native Irish people. In fact, most Irish people had no opportunity to benefit from it until relatively recently.
More importantly, the insinuation that the British established Ireland’s first city, roads and basic law system is nothing short of ridiculous.
The city of Dublin existed for several hundred years before the British invaded, and there is archaeological evidence of road systems in Ireland dating as far back as 2000 BC. Furthermore, Gaelic Ireland is generally accepted to have established the first legal system in Northern Europe.
JDW English might also wish to look up the meaning of the term “Gombeen-men”. – Yours, etc,