Protecting The Burren

Sir, - I have recently returned home from a holiday in Co Clare during which I was able to repeat my yearly walks on the Burren…

Sir, - I have recently returned home from a holiday in Co Clare during which I was able to repeat my yearly walks on the Burren.

The Burren Code 2000, published by the Burren Tourism and Environment Initiative, specifically highlights the 75 per cent of Irish native plants and flowers which are to be found on the Burren. Imagine my horror to discover and disturb three ladies, one armed with a trowel, digging plants from the limestone pavements at Poulsallagh.

If the Irish are seen to be guilty of such desecration, what example is set for the countless overseas visitors?

Following the letter from Dr Richard Moles, University of Limerick (May 19th) on the degradation of the ecology of the Burren, may I ask as a regular visitor that some form of supervision be provided, if only at the most frequently visited areas? Without some form of vigilance, albeit meagre, the frail beauty of the Burren will be lost forever. - Yours, etc.,


John F.W. Leonard, Tamerton, Plymouth, Devon, England.