Protecting householders from radon

Madam, – The Irish Medical Organisation fully supports the call by the Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland and the …

Madam, – The Irish Medical Organisation fully supports the call by the Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland and the Health Service Executive to protect the health of householders from radon (Home News, April 30th). At the most recent IMO agm doctors supported a motion that would place an obligation on all vendors of houses and other buildings to provide an up-to-date certificate on the levels of radon in the premises for sale.

It is estimated that up to 200 people get lung cancer every year from radon exposure with very serious consequences for them and their families. Most of these cases could be prevented if householders knew the level of radon in their house and could take appropriate action to reduce it to a safe level. For such an important and simple public health measure, we should dispense with the old adage “let the buyer beware”. – Yours, etc,



Irish Medical Organisation,

Fitzwilliam Place, Dublin 2.