Prospects Of The PDs

Sir, - As chairman of the Young Progressive Democrats and Dundrum ward representative, I am responding to your article on the…

Sir, - As chairman of the Young Progressive Democrats and Dundrum ward representative, I am responding to your article on the PDs (Review '98, December 29th), to assure your readers that they need have no worry about the party's survival abilities.

Ireland needs a liberal political party that aims to develop rather than control people's decisions, as socialism tends to do. The Progressive Democrat philosophy is about developing society in the way that society itself wishes to develop, by providing society with the resources to develop itself in the way that it sees fit.

At the next local elections, the Progressive Democrats will have the youngest profile of candidates of any political party. Hopefully, should I be selected, it will be the first time in our history that we will have all our past and present leaders of the Young Progressive Democrats running in the same elections. - Yours, etc., Feilim Clear,

South Frederick Street, Dublin 2.