President's Communion

Sir, - According to The Book of Common Prayer (Articles of Religion, 28), transubstantiation "is repugnant to the plain words…

Sir, - According to The Book of Common Prayer (Articles of Religion, 28), transubstantiation "is repugnant to the plain words of Scripture, overthroweth the nature of a Sacrament, and hath given occasion to many superstitions."

Furthermore (ibid., Article 31), "the sacrifices of Masses, in the which it was commonly said, that the Priest did offer Christ for the quick and the dead, to have remission of pain or guilt, were blasphemous fables and dangerous deceits."

And you or your leader-writer can actually ask, re the Primate's remarks, "whether it was necessary to use words which members of other churches [sic] have found embarrassing and offensive"!

Have you really never heard, sir, of the pot calling the kettle black? - Yours, etc.,


Park Lane, Dublin 4.