Madam, - May I join the calls for Iarnród Éireann to reconsider itsdecision to greatly reduce its freight service? Freight transportationby rail should in fact be expanded as it is environmentally friendlyand would help to reduce the excess of trucks on our alreadyovercrowded roads.
The EU and the Government continue to spend vast sums on buildinghighways but their best efforts are unable to adequately cope withever-increasing traffic. Companies should be encouraged and, ifnecessary, compelled to transport their goods by rail.
Failure to maximise the use of the railways will inevitably resultin their closure. Such closures in the past have proven to bedisastrously short-sighted. It is imperative that similar economicallyand socially myopic decisions are avoided.
Should Iarnród Éireann show itself unwilling to serve the greaternational interest in this matter, the Government should seek anindependent franchise operator who would be willing to provide aneffective and efficient rail freight service. - Is mise,
Co Kerry.