People With Disabilities

Sir, - I notice that income tax receipts were up 10 per cent on the same period last year, consumer spending has boosted VAT …

Sir, - I notice that income tax receipts were up 10 per cent on the same period last year, consumer spending has boosted VAT revenues by 15.7 per cent, excise duties are up by 12.8 per cent, higher profits have pushed corporation tax by 24 per cent and stamp duties have climbed by 33.6 per cent. The economy is booming and there is no shortage of cash.

Why then, are there 1,439 people with a mental handicap on residential waiting lists? Why are there 1,039 seeking day care places?

The revenue cost of meeting this need has been put at £63.5 million pounds over five years. This is chicken-feed, with all the extra money floating around.

These waiting lists could be wiped out in the morning if there was a genuine interest in this issue. It seems the Celtic Tiger has no teeth when it comes to people with disabilities. - Yours, etc., Finian McGrath,


Griffith Avenue, Dublin 9.