Paisley now a 'traitor'

Madam, - I read with interest the article in The Irish Times of February 2nd concerning Bertie Ahern's visit to Ballymena recently…

Madam, - I read with interest the article in The Irish Timesof February 2nd concerning Bertie Ahern's visit to Ballymena recently to meet Ian Paisley (Snr). As a supporter of the traditional unionist voice, I oppose such visits North by any Irish taoiseach or president.

Ian Paisley has gone from being the champion of the union with Britain to being the greatest traitor who has ever lived. In January 1965 he led a one-man protest at Stormont against the visit of Seán Lemass, the then Taoiseach of the Republic, claiming the treachery of Capt O'Neill, the prime minister of Northern Ireland, was leading the province into a united Ireland.

They say history repeats itself. If it does, can we expect to see Ian Paisley fall from grace within the unionist community as has every unionist leader since O'Neill?

- Yours, etc,


JAMES ANNETT, Comber, Co Down.