Outrage vented

Madam, - I was annoyed by a letter recently published in these pages

Madam, - I was annoyed by a letter recently published in these pages. By writing a letter in response, however, I would simply draw further attention to the author's views. Nonetheless, I must object. Therefore, I am now objecting in the strongest possible terms - even though I will not specify exactly what it is I am objecting to. You can rest assured, however, that I am quite outraged.

I write this letter with a heavy heart, as I am aware that the innocent authors of other letters may feel (wrongly) that my admonishment applies to them; this is regrettable, but unavoidable.

Collateral damage notwithstanding, the author of the objectionable letter should know that if he ever again expresses such views, I shall again object. Indeed, if his next letter is even more objectionable, I might not risk drawing even this level of attention to it: I might not write at all. But he could rest assured that I was very annoyed indeed. - Yours, etc.,



Islandbridge, Dublin 8.