A chara, - "Parity of esteem" has been going the rounds over the past few years in relation to the Irish language - a clichΘ devised to keep us all nice and quiet and civilised, apparently. but where is the parity in the RT╔ autumn schedule in relation to Irish language programmes? "N∅ bheidh ach clβr Gaeilge amhβin β chraoladh ag RT╔ 1 agus ag Network 2 an F≤mhar seo," dar le Foinse (5· L·nasa).
LΘargas, an clβr a thβinig slβn ≤n scagadh.
This, of course, is not the only fault in a communications system which seems to be trying to turn us all into Americans, via the Yankee Doodle din.
Nor is Irish the only language to suffer under RT╔. English indirect speech has been virtually abolished by the newsroom; "white" becomes "wite"; in "harass", emphasis has been changed to the last syllable; "avail" has been turned into a non-reflexive verb; the news people never seem to know when to use "may" and "might", or "fewer" and "less".
Our placenames are being mangled by that same newsroom (cp. Dunne-leery, very unfair to other stores). As for the quality of the little news that is passed on, what a decline generally in standards! How often must RT╔ be told that there is no such word in English as "alternatives"? If they are fumbling for the mot juste, why not "choices"? The word "none" is singular, standing for "no one". It is not followed by the plural forms. This is a basic rule of English. Surely the rule is not too difficult for RT╔ to learn?
Mispronunciations of words from Continental European languages by RT╔ readers sometimes are funny, but that is no excuse. Is it beyond the resources of RT╔ to employ somebody to be available for phonetic advice, when needed? One of the few really good news programmes from RT╔ is Nationwide. But for that I believe I would die of shame. - Is mise,
Deas·n Breatnach, Pβirc Leaca na Sceiche, D·n Laoghaire, Co ┴tha Cliath.