Medical Cards For Over-70S

Sir, - Judging by your correspondence columns there is a lot of opposition to extending the medical card scheme to us "old codgers…

Sir, - Judging by your correspondence columns there is a lot of opposition to extending the medical card scheme to us "old codgers" of 70-plus. I have not seen any support for the idea; so let me make just three points:

1. What about the contribution we have made over the past half-century? In those days a greater proportion of the population was on PAYE/PRSI - and boy, have we contributed - isn't it time we got something back?

2. The whole thing is a storm in a teacup. I gather the numbers are not great. It seems the majority of people over 70 already have medical cards because they are poor. Do people (e.g. the medical profession) realise this?

3. Nobody seems to worry that we have free travel. Personally I feel that free medical care is much more important (and probably costs less) than free travel. - Yours, etc.,


W.J. Murphy, Gaybrook Lawns, Malahide, Co Dublin.