Luggala estate and national park

Sir, – Further to "Why the State should buy the ¤28 million Guinness ancestral home in Wicklow" (January 28th), Keep Ireland Open wishes to echo the call by Ian O'Riordan for the State to step in and buy this property to ensure the continuation of public access to this 5,000-acre estate.

The last of the Guinness owners, Garech Browne, has always allowed access for walkers. In return we respected his right to privacy of the house and grounds. Luggala attracts hundreds of walkers at weekends to enjoy the walking route to Lough Dan as well as the opportunity to climb Fancy Mountain and Knocnacloghoge.

We call on Minister Minister for Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs Heather Humphreys to take immediate steps to purchase the estate to add to the Wicklow National Park. – Yours, etc,




Keep Ireland Open,

Dublin 14.