Killings In Algeria

Sir, - The killings and bombings in Algeria continue unabated (as reported almost on a daily basis by The Irish Times)

Sir, - The killings and bombings in Algeria continue unabated (as reported almost on a daily basis by The Irish Times). The special high-powered and highly politicised UN delegation to Algeria returned almost two weeks ago and there is strong pressure on Mario Soares, its leader, to produce a sanitised report that will absolve the Algerian regime of any complicity in the massive human rights abuses occurring there.

However, while one arm of the UN appears unwilling to confront the reality behind the killings, the UN Human Rights Committee has issued a stern rebuke to the Algerian authorities for failing in their duty to protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of Algerians and has called upon them to implement immediate human rights measures.

Ireland has played a reasonable role so far on Algeria and has intimated that it will be to the fore in sponsoring a strong motion on Algeria at the forthcoming UN General Assembly. The Algerian authorities must be challenged in every International forum to restore fundamental human rights and freedoms to the people of Algeria. - Yours, etc., Brendan Butler

Ireland-Algeria Solidarity Group,


Upper Camden Street,

Dublin 2.