A chara, - The most recent contribution from Kevin Myers on the question of Irish is biased beyond belief, and his assertion …

A chara, - The most recent contribution from Kevin Myers on the question of Irish is biased beyond belief, and his assertion that Irish is being foisted on an unwilling public is absurd. There is an abundance of statistical data available to refute his claim of coercion, and evidence as to the vibrancy of the language abounds.

In an IMS survey taken just last month, 65 per cent expressed the opinion that Irish was a vital part of our culture, that every reasonable step should be taken to provide for its use and to ensure that it remained a language of everyday use. Not alone are people favourably disposed towards Irish, but levels of ability and use remain consistently high.

In our bilingual country, the linguistic preferences of both Irish and English speakers must be respected. It is imperative that both languages be accorded rights in relation to such important areas as education, public services and, most especially, media. Failure to ensure adequate provision of bilingual services would constitute coercion of the Irish-speaking public and would contravene the expressed wishes of the majority. - Le dea-ghui,

Bainisteoir Cumarsaide, 7 Cearnog Mhuirfean, Baile Atha Cliath 2.