Human rights in Horn of Africa

Madam, - Some of your correspondents are commendably concerned about Darfur, yet at least that crisis appears on the political…

Madam, - Some of your correspondents are commendably concerned about Darfur, yet at least that crisis appears on the political agenda of the "international community" - i.e. the West.

Contrast the West's sickening silence in the face of further horrors in the Horn of Africa - viz, the Ogaden zone of conflict. According to Human Rights Watch, Ethiopian forces have followed a scorched-earth policy, displacing innumerable impoverished civilians, torching their villages and food stocks and mounting a blockade to halt vital medical supplies.

Yet one waits in vain for any word of repudiation from the "international community". For the Ethiopian regime receives unconditional support from American and Europe. Hence the humbug. - Yours, etc,



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