Housing and the next election

Sir, – I'm sure that Fiach Kelly is right (Analysis, January 12th) that "housing is the defining issue in the next election", but to me, both main parties make the mistake of looking at housing demand and supply in isolation from a regional development strategy.

Here in Co Donegal, we have 20 per cent surplus properties. Our housing crisis is not one of supply, but arises from the fact that there are insufficient well-paid jobs to enable people to buy houses, undertake renovations or pay rent. We need improved infrastructure to attract investment, but are instead asked by Fine Gael to pay, via our taxes, subsidies to first-time buyers in Dublin and other property hotspots to put in the pockets of developers and property speculators.

Joined-up thinking is required, but I see no evidence of it. – Yours, etc,



Burtonport, Co Donegal.