Hanafin warning to teachers

Madam, - I am intrigued that the Minister for Education has warned that industrial action by teachers will be considered as …

Madam, - I am intrigued that the Minister for Education has warned that industrial action by teachers will be considered as a breach of the national pay agreements, and punished accordingly.

As chairperson of a board of management engaged in the day-to-day struggle to provide decent primary education to children, despite chronic underfunding and overcrowded classes, I am appalled that the Minister seems to be utterly unaware that very many people involved at local level, and not just teachers, consider her performance and that of the present Government to be in breach of their moral duty towards the children of our country by their total failure to fulfil the substantive promises made before they were elected in regard to class sizes and decent school buildings.

They can take it out on staff, but we have to wait until the next election before we can do anything about it, and it seems to me that the present shameless Government will sit it out for as long as possible before that day comes. - Yours, etc,
The Rectory,
Church Road,
Co Dublin.