Green light for banks to seize homes

Sir, – Instead of fixing a loophole to enable banks to seize people’s homes (Front page, December 12th), the Coalition would…

Sir, – Instead of fixing a loophole to enable banks to seize people’s homes (Front page, December 12th), the Coalition would be better advised to enable legislation to recover the exorbitant bonuses and pensions paid to senior executives of these self same failed entities.

Failing this, TDs of all parties should refuse to enact any further legislation that gives unaccountable banks more power to take people’s homes. – Yours, etc,


Charlotte Terrace,


Co Dublin.

Sir,– “Coalition to fix loophole to enable banks to seize homes” (Front page, December 12th) reveals just how far the Government has strayed from its mandate. The people of this country voted for a plan for economic recovery, for jobs and for peace of mind regarding the family home. The Fine Gael/Labour government has not just abandoned its mandate but is now waging war on the very people who voted for it by facilitating banks to repossess homes while bankers still enjoy huge salaries and bonuses. – Yours, etc,


Weston Avenue,


Co Dublin.