Golf and golfers – in a hole?

Sir, – My impression is that Malachy Clerkin (Tipping Point, July 10th) would agree with the antics of those very annoying spectators who, when a player is striking their ball, shout out as loud as they idiotically can "in the hole", "mashed potato" or "two fried eggs sunny side up".

If he would care to play a round of golf with me, I would be more than happy anytime to make his game much more enjoyable by unexpectedly, and intermittently, making all sorts of sudden loud noises just before he is about to take his downswing to the ball. I cannot imagine the countless number of times he himself would as a result be obliged to shout out the word “Fore!” so as to alert other players on the course that his ball is heading dangerously towards them. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 16.

A chara, – Whatever about crowd noise, would golf not be more interesting if you were allowed to “mark your man”? – Is mise,


Dublin 24.