Galway's Young Artists

Sir, - I read with interest Aidan Dunne's review (Arts, March 3rd) of the RHA Gallagher Gallery exhibition of work by young artists…

Sir, - I read with interest Aidan Dunne's review (Arts, March 3rd) of the RHA Gallagher Gallery exhibition of work by young artists, "First Look". The artists chosen were from Dublin, Limerick, Belfast and Cork. Nothing from Galway, however, a city often hyped as a sort of cultural Mecca.

Given that this exhibition constitutes "director Patrick Murphy's first look around at the work of young artists", I am still surprised that the often very fine work of young artists in Galway has not found a place in this exhibition. Perhaps next time?

But perhaps Galway City could do more for its young artists and for visual arts generally. We could do with a municipal gallery and more work space for artists. In any case I am aware that there is a wealth of visual arts talent in Galway and I have, as a reviewer, tried to bring some of it to the attention of a wider range of people interested in the visual arts.

It would be a great pity if the work of Galway's younger artists remained, by and large, unseen outside that city. - Yours, etc., Fred Johnston,


Carn Ard, Circular Road, Galway.