A chara, - Given the spread of anarchy and terrorism, it is obvious that new procedures, guaranteeing the identity of all persons, are urgently necessary. We cannot continue to allow people who are unidentifiable by the Gardai, to enter and travel about this country, thereby exposing the public to risk. Appeasement of criminal elements, as by cancelling important EU meetings, should not be an acceptable option for a democratically elected Government!
Even at a personal level, I am entitled to know the true identity of any person whom I might have the misfortune to meet by accident, perhaps when driving my car. Equally, I need to be able to verify the identity of persons with whom I may engage in business, or who may act to my detriment. At a minimum, the Gardai should be in a position to promptly establish the identity of all persons in the State should be need arise.
At present, there may be close to a half a million foreign nationals in Ireland, although no one is in a position to state how many are actually here. In the world of the suicide bomber, this represents neglect of duty by the Government. While the vast majority of foreigners will be decent and law abiding, as is the case with the native population, yet, if the occupancy of our jails are an indicator, quite a few foreign criminals have already taken advantage of our open society. The introduction of a mandatory identity card system would help restrict the activities of many criminals, and make them more easily traceable by the Gardai.
I note that some leaders of opinion view the introduction of identity cards, as a restriction on personal freedom and as giving undue powers to the Gardai. This is an outdated concept, applicable to times when national borders were secure and able to prevent the free passage of wrongdoers, from one country to another. Times have changed and our laws must change to meet the challenge of the global society, and the new threats it brings. The present reality is that without the guarantee of adequate security, there can be no freedom for any citizen!
The Government of a state has a duty of care towards its citizens, whether it is within the EU or not, and is obliged to take all necessary steps, to protect life and property. This duty now includes introducing a system of identity cards, to guarantee the identity of all, and so help restore security and confidence to Irish society. - Is mise,
LIAM Ó GÉIBHEANNAIGH, Átha an Ghainimh, Co. Átha Cliath.