Sir, - Perhaps you would be interested to know that when I requested some information from the Irish Embassy in London on the…

Sir, - Perhaps you would be interested to know that when I requested some information from the Irish Embassy in London on the Irish currency, they, alone of their 15 brethern, were the only ones not to respond with data on the national currency.

Sweden, Finland and Austria, being enthusiastic eager beavers, responded within three days. World weary states like Denmark and Greece taking all of 10 days to respond to the simple request. The sardonic Dutch merely passed me another address. The Iberians and Italians answered with a colourful flourish. France with a veritable cache. Insignificant Luxembourg with an Encyclopaedia Luxembourgia of information. Mine host with a dutiful pedantic missive. The Teutons kept up their end. The Belgians (almost forgot them) did likewise.

Maybe they are very busy in that office or maybe they just decided that that fellow can go and ring his mammy and ask her. - Yours, etc.,

Fircroft Road,


Tooting Bee,
