Finding a name for a three-state union (that's not SCINI!)

A chara, – In Fintan O'Toole's intriguing article ("Three-state union may be answer to Brexit", July 26th) he rather unfortunately dubs his three-state idea, SCINI.

Words and names are important. Branding is important.

There is no doubt that the name Brexit became a strong brand during the referendum on European Union membership.

It promoted the leave side better than a thousand utterances from Boris Johnson or Nigel Farage. If only “Bremain” had the same ring to it.


If “these islands” is an acceptable term then perhaps we should call any future agreement or arrangement between the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland and Scotland by the simple acronym Inis – essentially the gaelic for island.

Ní neart go cur le chéile.

– Yours, etc,



Co Wicklow.