Fate of St Mary's Church

Madam, - In response to George Walsh's letter expressing his concern at the fate of St Mary's Church, Dublin, and the whereabouts…

Madam, - In response to George Walsh's letter expressing his concern at the fate of St Mary's Church, Dublin, and the whereabouts of the coffins in the vaults (March 24th), I wish to reassure him that in November 1987 all the contents of the crypts in this church were exhumed and cremated and the ashes re-interred in the vaults of St Michan's Church, Church Street, Dublin 7. This work was carried out by J and C Nichols, Funeral Directors, and the entire process was supervised by a Dublin Corporation Environmental Officer and completed in consultation with the Representative Body of the Church of Ireland.

Furthermore, in 1998, while excavating this site, the then developer uncovered more disarticulated remains and the Church authorities were informed of this find. As in 1987, these remains were also exhumed and cremated and again this work was undertaken by the same funeral directors and supervised by Dublin Corporation. These ashes were also re-interred in St Michan's church vaults.

As for Mr Walsh's concern at the deterioration of St Mary's Church, and its future use as a "theme boozer", I can only say that when St Mary's was sold by the Representative Church Body on behalf of the parish select vestry, the covenant agreement between both parties was for a period of 15 years (which is the normal term for such an agreement). This agreement, while in place, prohibited the church building to be used in certain ways and now that this term has expired, the developers may (subject to licensing laws) use it as they wish. I fully agree that the closure and ultimate fate of this and other churches is a great loss to the citizens of Dublin and to future generations; however, with limited funding, the Church of Ireland cannot possibly maintain these as heretofore.

It is my understanding that the 17th century St Mary's Church is on the Heritage list as being a "preserved building" and while the interior may in fact be changed, the exterior cannot. finally, can I assure Mr Walsh and others that all interior fixtures and fittings (including the renowned Telford organ) were removed when the church was closed and these have all been put to use in other churches in the diocese and beyond. - Yours, etc.,



Vicar, Christ Church

Cathedral Group of Parishes,

Phibsborough Road,

Dublin 7.