Expenses controversy

Madam, It’s too convenient for John O’Donoghue to say that he “would not be apprised of such expenditure at this level of detail…

Madam, It’s too convenient for John O’Donoghue to say that he “would not be apprised of such expenditure at this level of detail”, as if, firstly, hiring limousines is usually inexpensive, and secondly, that it is normal to hire them for distances ordinary people walk.

I am so pleased for him that he will learn from this. And I am grateful for his expression of regret. But what I really want is a refund to the taxpayer. – Yours, etc,


Upper Rathmines Road,

Rathmines Road,

Dublin 6.

Madam, – A shorter letter from the Ceann Comhairle to the electorate incorporating the words “sorry” and “resign” would have been more appropriate. – Yours, etc,


Ardmeen Park,


Co Dublin.