Sir, - Is it my imagination or are standards dropping through the floor? Four examples:
(1) The most famous Irishwoman who ever lived, Granuaile, is called "Gran-ool" by a presenter on our national radio. (2) The same genius talked the other day about "restaurants and restauranteurs".
(3) The name of the eminent Spanish film director, Luis Bunuel, comes out as "Loo-ey Bun-ool" on the same station. (4) An ad. features a Dublin man talking with an Italian. Dublin Man: I'm going to Venice. Italian: Don't say "Venice", it's "Ven-eechay". Only it bloody well isn't "Ven-ee-chay", it's "Venezia"!
Maybe such things are too trivial to bother about. Are they? - Yours, etc.,
Old Conna Village, Bray, Co. Wicklow.